Sunday, 9 March 2014

Dear Nineteen Year Old Me

Dear 19 year old me,

You're going to have to fundraise. A lot.

Let me tell you, fundraising is tough. It down right sucks sometimes. I've sent out support letters and prayer cards, with 99% not responding. I've written those blogs before, posted on social media, asked family and friends to support my missions trip. I've sold t shirts and bracelets,  let go of my beloved collection of books, and sold and donated all of my belongings, save for the few that fit in my suitcase.

I get it.

I get how hard it is asking people for money and most of them saying no. I've been down in the dirt and mud, 48 hours to my fundraising deadline with not a penny to my name, getting antsy for God to blow me away with a huge donation at the last minute, only to have it not happen. You know what? It's okay.
It's okay if that deadline came and went and God didn't show up when you wanted him to. Because God doesn't work on our deadlines. He owns all the money in the world. To be brutally honest, He does what He wants. God does show up. He does provide. It might happen after that deadline. It might happen before. But He does show up. His timing is perfect.

You will have to fundraise $11,000 for a six month trip. And a few people will support you. But God is going to blow you away with those few. You will have two days before you leave for Ireland, still short $6000. And you will be fully funded by the time you get on that plane.
Girl, God's fucking awesome.  He's got this. And He's got you.

I know you see those teenaged little shits who come from rich familes that flaunt their wealth all over. But they don't know any better. It's all they know. You can't blame them for their wealth. And be happy you're not them. Because relying on God every. Single. Day is one of the best and hardest experiences that you will ever have. You might end up fundraising the rest of your life. Be okay with it. Rejoice in it. What a beautiful thing it is when people believe in the dream God's placed on your heart, and want to sow into that. They believe in you and God and are saying "yes" to making that happen.

Know that it is an honour to serve in the missions field. There are going to be easy days. And there are going to be days where you want to throw in the towel and say 'fuck it.' But it's all worth it. I promise. Just stick it out, and see what God does. He will blow you away.

I promise.



The money I have fundraised thus far is ONLY for the first six months, after that I will no longer be associated with AIM working with youth. I do not know yet what the Lord has planned for me starting in July. My visa is for two years, so I am still looking for monthly supporters starting in July. If I am unable to get enough monthly supporters, I will be forced to come home early.  If you would like to keep me here and partner with what God's doing here in Ireland, feel free to email me at :)